
Integrated solutions of waste treatment

BioBlock® is a compact system of biological treatment, accomplishing the requirements of sewage treatment from small settlements and hotels up to big Municipalities and industrial applications. The design and the development of BioBlock® were supported to the long-lasting experience of ENVITEC S.A. in the sector of wastewater treatment. The target of the new system is the confrontation of problems that are presented in the conventional sewage treatment plants and mainly the significant reduction of operation cost as well as the production of high quality of irrigation water for reuse in rural regions.

The incorporated technology of BioBlock® offers:

Minimization of installation area

Friendliness to the environment

with the construction of closed units, that prevents the distribution of odors and aerosols (suitable for installation near built-up areas)

Reduction of consumed energy and produced sludge

in comparison with conventional units

Operation simplicity

with minimal requirements of monitoring and maintenance

Short time of supply

installation and start up of operation (3-14 months)

Production of high quality effluence and saving of large quantities of irrigation water

BioBlock® combines the principles of activated sludge and fluidized bed systems. The removal of organic pollutants is occurring simultaneously with the removal of nitrogen and phosphor resulting to the elimi-nation of eutrophication in the receiver. This makes BioBlock® the ideal solution particularly where the receiver is characterized as "sensitive" (lakes, rivers or streams with varied flow). BioBlock® is easily adapted in installation conditions keeping the high performance treatment. It is the best solution where the available installation area is limited, or there are reactions of social acceptance for its installation.

Effluent Quality
Parameter (mg/L)
BOD5 15
SS 10
N-NH4 3
N-NO3 3
P 2*
*Flocculant addition
FaLang translation system by Faboba

Πνευματικά δικαιώματα ENVITEC S.A. © 2014 - 2024

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